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You must learn the ways of the Blog...if you are to come with me to Avalon...these are to be your first steps into a larger world...

"Save Yerself"

"Look At The Child With The Dream In Her Eyes"

"Blame Alcohol On Your Existence"


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Tuesday, May 08, 2001
“Of Congenial Discountenance and Impetuous Contrivance...”

Allo, I said Allo. Well, no real reason to write right at the moment, but I’m in a real
good mood so what the hell...I’m gonna ramble on, so deal with it! Quite the day of happenings
really, I was rather amused by all the tom foolery and goings on...and was pleasantly surprised at
one point, to say the least.

Ok, never mind about me...I need some golf shoes, or else we’ll never get out of this place
alive...impossible to walk in this muck...

Sociological Observations...In regards to those moments at which those in power understand in
full and with total acceptance the true power of their minions...cherish these times, oh ye minions,
for it is these times that the true and genuine blade is brandished, and it is very sharp indeed.

Intra-Personal Transactions...Classified.

Meta-Physical Inconsistencies...The ethereal mists curl about with an oddly comfortable sort of
resonance, while the planar fields ripple under the behest of a greater current. New avenues of
capitulation between the great houses have been brought to the attention of the Savant, and must
be reconnoitered as soon as practicable. Innocence offers unique negotiations, as the learning
curve grows ever more reticulated and complex.

PLEASE!! Tell me about the frekin’ golf shoes!

My god look at that bunch over there man! They’ve spotted us!

...end transmission...

Monday, April 30, 2001
"Of Metagrobolized Faze and Incognizant Felicity..."

Good day to you. No, I have not blessed the accoursed Tome as of late...because I have had a lot
of compounding inequities that were really starting to piss me off...but they have been...put to
rest. Heh...

Although, it seems that being out of the loop for one weekend has cost me a hefty chunk of rather
juicy cogitate and capitulations. Indeed...I am usually excluded from such information circulation
about the group, being that I am trapped in a rather unhappy valley of religious nazis. No matter,
I'm sure the story will be presented in it's entirety soon enough.

Why did I fall out of the loop you ask? I was...occupied. Never mind that I was gallivanting
across the countryside learning how to kill people! Don't you worry about what I be doin'.

I'm out of it for a little while, and everyone starts having delusions of grandeur...


At any rate, more ex cathedra matters have begun to eclipse the more personal ones...but both
yolks are beginning to lessen, and that is refreshing. At last, I will be more apt and available to
heed the beckon call of the mountain lands and those sheer cliff faces that I have so neglected as
of late...among other things.

Sociological Observations...The frustrations beget by lack of preparation are sinking their searing
and caustic teeth deep into the backs of those who the lacked foresight or initiative to complete
things when they had the chance. Others choose to strike at those altitudinous pillars that mark
other people’s success...for no other reason than to make themselves feel as if they mean
something to someone. Apparently they were not loved as children...and grew up as bitter
cowards that hide behind the guise of administrative law. They will once agin be shown that petty
power plays serve little more than to make them look more incompetent. What a waste of energy.

Intra-Personal Transactions...res ipsa loquitur

Meta-Physical Inconsistencies...The lack of interplay between the Ethereal planes and the carnal
municipalities has taken it’s toll. The lack of communication has brought about many problems
and misunderstandings. This must be corrected immediately if there is any hope to progress
deeper into the murky depths beyond. Once the glades of entrammel bliss are reconnoitered, the
previous interactions will pick up where they left off.

Well, I’m off....and be sure to remember this when lurking the corporeal principalities...

EVIL around every corner! Careful not to step in any...

...end transmission...

Monday, April 16, 2001
“Of Caliginous Harangue And An Augur Of Nihilism…

Hi there…not even really sure why I decided to blog right now. None of the stalwart bloggers that got me into this
seem to care for the blogging thing anymore, so I really have no any idea where this is all coming from.

Throughout the maelstrom of perseity, there are certain events that fall under the basic and blanched classifications
of; ne plus ultra and nadir, apogee and perigee, highs and lows, ups and downs, peaks and valleys, yadda
yadda yadda… I’ve never been one to be affected by such things, and now isn’t the time to start, but it does
fascinate me to watch the churning ocean of perception as it lifts and curls all those around me. Not so much the
churning itself even, but the complex dynamic that dances back and forth between the constituents of such

Speaking of capitulation, it is quite the argument going on with China now. I do believe the U.S. has decided that
the playground tactics of a kindergartner are more effective than any sort of true diplomatic amity…and they are
correct. China knows that we are the only real superpower left in the world, and we know that they know. We
also know that China’s allies are pretty much worthless in a real fight…China also knows this….we know that
they know that we know what we know. Everyone knows…

Speaking of knowing, did you know that there actually is an Arakkis? Yes really, but it is not “Dune…desert
planet…” It’s actually the Mu star of the constellation Draco…Mu being the ninth star in the sequence that forms
the constellation. Oh, and for those of you that care, it is a Spectral Type F7V, and the name translates literally to
mean “Dancer.” Personally though, I think that Nodus Secundus is a much cooler name…but it means “second
knot”…and Paul Atredies would have had a much more difficult time rolling “Nodus Secundus…Dune…desert
planet…” off his tongue. Then again, the Alpha star of the constellation is Thuban…which means “snake.” Not a
big deal really…even though it makes no real logical sense to name the Alpha star of a giant constellation that is
supposed to be a dragon as “snake,” only to turn around and name the Lambda Star: Ginafar…which actually
means dragon. What the hell? Why not call it the Flaming Dunderhead, but actually name the constellation
Purple Haze, when in truth the Alpha star will be designated Blunderbuss?


Speaking of blunderbusses, some nutcase in WWII made a BFG 1943…one frelling huge cannon that could shoot
hell of far. What the hell is this? Why invent something that you have to figure in the curvature of the Earth to
shoot? Do you know how much math that involves?! Wait a sec…no wonder the damn thing didn’t work! As
usual, math bent over and screwed a perfectly fine weapon of mass destruction.

Speaking of mass destruction, did you know that Japan is second only to the U.S. when it comes to movies
produced and/or exported? Have you seen some of this stuff though? I believe that if we continue to make movies
that “Blow,” then the “Enemy at the Gates” will bomb “Brigam City” and all the “Crouching Tiger Hidden
Dragon”s will run headlong into “Traffic,” which will then swerve profusely directly into some giant “Tomcats,”
causing severe “Exit Wounds.” Then, someone will proclaim “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?” I need “Someone
Like You” because “The Mexican” is “Just Visiting”!!


Speaking of speaking, do you have any idea how many muscles must coordinate together to formulate speech? No?
Well…shit if I know, I was hoping you would.

Speaking of hope for both this blog, and myself…I think I’m well past all of it by now. Perhaps that is why my
luck in effeminate matters has been so dismal. I never really thought about it that much until recently….when I
realized what there was a lot out there to be missing. Along the lines of recent deductions, conjectures, and
inferences, I do believe that I should move to rectify this situation as soon as practicable within the hours of sunrise
and civil twilight…however…HoWevER…I seem to lack the clout and equanimity necessary for such
undertakings. Big surprise eh? Certain individuals have obviously deemed it sine qua non for further
advancement, but I seem to have been missing the point. How typical.

Speaking of typical, do you not find it atypical that the typical duckbilled platypus is somewhat humorous? You
know that the illustrious deity responsible for collating All That Is had some sort of sense of humor when they
busted out that item. What’s worse are those dammed Homo Sapiens. You know, the ones that made nuclear
weapons since they couldn’t seem to kill each other fast enough. Never mind that they should be concentrating
their nasty little efforts on the colonization of space…


…and not dinking around with all that organized religion crap. You know, if the creator had actually intended us
to hate each other because of the creator’s teachings, they why were we not born into some giant collection of pods
and used as batteries for a warrior race of super-advanced hunter-killer chickens? After all, one way or the other
and according to everyone else we are all going to hell anyway…so what really is the point of economic sanctions,
wars, genocide, racism, religious fanaticism, crusades, jihads, global warming, high school, double stick tape, AA
batteries, cell phones, credit cards, dog houses, outhouses, safe houses, madhouses, birds, planes, spears, rocks,
ducks, and geese? After all, the action of people is always sane and logical, so why lie? You do realize that along
the same line of human logic, that breathing out one’s back and changing one’s name to Sir Jarvy Barthenblatz is
the best way to cure leopards of their spots!


Speaking of spots, did you spot all the references to Revelation and the Apocalypse in any previous transmissions?
Yes? No? Well if you didn’t, you should go check it out sometime…it is the best book of the Good Book you
know. I mean, where else do you get to hear about; a white horse with a bow wielding rider who gets to go out to
“further his victories,” a red horse with a rider holding a huge frekin sword that has the “power to take peace
from the earth,” a black horse whose rider brandishes a pair of scales and gets to make “a ration of wheat cost a
days pay,” and a pale green horse whose rider is “accompanied by Hades” himself?! Plus, there is a huge battle
with Gog and Magog over a dragon that was “leading the nations astray” but got tossed into “the Abyss.”

Damn that was cool…Revelation rules!

Speaking of the Abyss…I do believe that I’m digging one, so I’ll wrap it up.

Sociological Observations…*See paragraphs 2, 3, 5, 6.

Intra-Personal Transactions…*See paragraphs 2, 8.

Meta-Physical Inconsitencies…*See paragraphs 2, 4, 9, 10, 11.

*DISCLAIMER* Keep in mind that the drivel contained herein the entry above does not necessarily reflect that
drivel of the normal author of this accursed Tome of Weaponmancy. No warranty expressed or implied.
Offer void in Utah. Thank you please drive through, and continue on course heading: second star to the
right, and straight on until oblivion.

Please remember to donate charitably to the SPQR….Senatos Populos Quirks Romanos...'er Society for
the Preservation of the Quirks on Record. Yeah.

Hendrix was god.

Thank you, and goodnight.

…end transmission…

Thursday, April 05, 2001
"Of Prorogued Intendment and Subsequent Innervation..."

Not a whole lot to write about today. I haven't seen a good story in the paper for who knows how long...not even so much as an article that truly allowed me to really rip into someone. Such a

At any rate, I actually attempted to explain my novel to someone the other day. Yes, for those of you that didn't know...I'm writing a novel. It's a space opera...a science fiction epic....or at least I hope it will be someday. Those who have read it seem to enjoy it, but I need more input.




Anywho, I'm not sure what my audience thought of the twisted and most likely incomprehensible story line that I laid out in a painfully annotated fashion, hopefully the interest was not feigned.

Sociological Observations…Seclusion seems to be the avenue most opted for when it comes down to the wire. Illness is not fended off easily by the sleepless nights and annoyance riddled days that seem to encapsulate the working masses.

Intra-Personal Transactions…Smile and wave.

Meta-Physical Inconsistencies…Innocence was studied with ardent fascination. It was never realized that the complete and consummate assiduity of one could be captured so easily with something so simple. The Ethereal Mists actually seem attainable via the hubris of Innocence.


…end transmission…

"Of Austere Dubiosity and Unornamented Apetition..."

Good evening.

Well, another day ebbs away...but to what end? Well, music practice ruled the other usual, so that's a good end. However, other things seem to be showing up at opportune times...while other items seem to take leave at most inopportune times.

On a lighter note...these thoughts ambled through my head this evening while I watched that omnipresent agent of control...television. What was it that struck me you ask? Well…I'll tell you…

The latest episode of "Fox's Boot Camp" was plugged...and the ratings are great!!

The decision to flee came suddenly….then I thought about it for a moment, and attempted to formulate words for all that was going on in my head. However, all I was able to manage was…


Here it comes….OK, I really have a problem with this kind of sociological crap flooding our airwaves. How does this sound; lets put a group of weak minded invertebrates into the hands of some real men, and watch what happens. Let us witness as their precious and serene worlds are shattered by that big scary man in the Smoky hat who is yelling more colorful metaphors at them in thirty seconds than those spineless terds ever though physiologically possible by a human. Then...LETS FREKIN INTERVIEW THEM ABOUT IT?!?!?!?

What the {insert colorful metaphor} is this?!?!?!?!

This is ridiculous. You know, there was a time that the experience of boot camp was a respected trial of manhood...and of womanhood as well it's little more than a ratings whore. Nevermind that there are real men and women out there that are going to actually make something out of the experience when they are through with it. Suddenly, it's trendy to say you've been through boot camp…but the fact that you did it ONLY to make some money is conveniently omitted. One does not join the military for the money...and if they do they must be out of their minds. The pay isn't all that's something a little deeper than that that drives someone to get the snot beat out of them willingly. These shows are little more than grandstanding, once again, merely augmenting the already tepid and wan state of the populace.

I wonder how many people sit in front of their television each night eating junk food, after not exercising all day, and watch those poor saps get smacked around. Nevermind that MAYBE, just MAYBE they could try and attempt to get off their fat rumps and better themselves....why bother though, when they can see it on the tube in their nice and comfy chair in their modest yet spacious condo.

Who are these people, and what gives them the notion that their pain means something to me…or that their personal experience is supposed to gain my sympathy? You see, the purpose of boot camp is to push someone as far as they can go…both mentally and physically. When someone reaches that point of judgment, that moment of truth…who they become is so intensely personal, that the experience can't possibly mean anything to anyone else. Granted, there are others who have reached that point as well, but it is still not the same. So how does one propose to convey that fact in a TV series? THEY DON'T!!! That is what bothers me the most. It comes down to that annoyingly carnal downfall of all humanity…those freakish communists in Italian suits and expensive penny loafers sitting atop the cooperate pillars of capitalism…in short, GREED.

Greed begets power, power begets money, money begets the illusion of control…the illusion begets weakness, weakness begets fear, fear…well…fear is the mind killer.

It is becoming more and more challenging to actually find even a slight hint of true and genuine personality in anyone. Everything in the modern world is such a farce, a lie, a front. The sad thing is, the afflicted are seemingly oblivious to the fact that free thinking is little more than a philosophical concept...that it actually does exist...and that they can actually engage in it. To them, I have this to say…

"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake…

You are not your bank account...

You are not the clothes you wear...

You are not your grande late...

This is your life...good to the last drop. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."

Sociological Observations…even remedial and simplistic tasks seem to take a heavy toll on the mental capacity of those engaged in the intricate dance that is society and civilization. The ignis fatuus that dominates the perceptions of the collective will be tested soon enough.

Intra-Personal Transactions…A certain adjudication has been past, the game is afoot.

Metaphysical Inconsistencies…Innocence was visited today, with much felicity. Meanwhile, Experience and the Sage spoke of the ideological implications of certain corporeal shortcomings and failures. In regards to the psychosocial enigma that is the masses…let us hope that the opiate of organized religion can quell the innate and deep seeded eventuality for self-destruction long enough to actually evolve. Or at least hold off long enough for someone to actually reach the Gates. Perhaps someone will one day taste that Ethereal municipality and transcendental idiom before greed and the other countless nemesis of humanity catch up.

...end transmission...

Monday, April 02, 2001
!@#$%^&*re-connecting... uplink, please wait...

"Of Vivified Recommence and Ostensible Abeyance..."

Good evening. If you are reading either means I built an enirociter, or I just decided to
buckle beneath the whim of popular demand. Yes, due to popular demand, I'll be attempting
further communications...on a very provisional basis mind you. So lets see where the fates take

At any rate, I really have no idea what is going on in the world lately. I haven't read the paper in
three days, and television just gives me a more ways than no dice there.
Supposedly, the aurora borealis was to be visible was, on a painfully limited scale. I
was rather disappointed with the stellar light show...or lack there of. Actually, I take that back, I
was not disappointed, but there was a sense that something was missing as I drove away from the
viewing alcove and into the cold night.

I hate looking at the stars...but I love looking at the stars. Nothing else really stirs that intangible
yet carnal capitulation with the thick and heavy blanket of longing buried deep down inside that
somehow manages to connect someone to that illustrious and élan vital diadem of Ethereal
interplay. Dammit, I should be basking in the strawberry fields of Alpha Centauri right now,
listening to god (aka Jimi Hendrix).

{annoyance filled sigh}

No matter, we will deal with your rebel friends soon enough.

In other news...well, there is other news, but as a friend of mine so deftly put it..."you're an
isolationist." So no more for you tonight.

Good evening, and remember, shop S-mart.

Sociological Observations...insufficient data. Sociological interaction must be engaged in to get
anything here...throw me a bone here people.

Intra-Personal Transactions...Supposedly, the protagonist referred to with viscose ambiguity in
previous transmissions has been rather blind to the actions of the other necessary party involved in
such transactions. Fascinating...this will be studied further. Although, be it known that a small
battle was fought fifteen days subsequent the ides of march in this foul year of our lord...2001.
The broader outcome of this skirmish has yet to be determined, so we shall see what develops.

Meta-Physical Inconsistencies...Without warning or provocation, there will be those that once
seemed stalwart in their positions reveal an unexpected conundrum, and will begin to catechize all
that they wonder they are. Within the sullen moonlight and quiet sanctuaries, lies a cracked and
flawed gem. It is this intensely intimate diadem that will hold the brazen keys to open the now
rusted gates of self-actualization and personal purport and substance. The full and ubiquitous
truth must be examined with acceptance and willingness for this to take any meaning, however. If
the unabridged situation is ignored, there will be no growth...there will be no learning...there will
be no acquisition of the seemingly imperceptible principalities that forge the very ties that bind to
the Ethereal junctures and raging torrents of existence...only fear will remain as an insurmountable
and unscalable barrier to perception and interaction. Fear is the mind killer...

I have been to the house...I have experienced the madness...and I rejected the entire experience.

...end transmission...

Tuesday, March 27, 2001
"Of Bleary Surcease and Abeyant Desuetude..."

This will be the last you hear from me for a while....if ever again. I bid you farewell, I'm off...Driving South. Should I ever return, I doubt any sort of laud will be sine qua non.

Res ipsa loquiter.

...uplink terminated...

...end trans@#$%^&*

Tuesday, March 20, 2001
"Of Garnered Conjectures and Vacillating Semblance…”

Yes, it has been many days since I blogged…but frankly, I am questioning this whole blogging thing.

Why do I bother? Only one person that I know of reads this, and I talk to them most of the time anyway, so is there really a purpose for my senseless outpouring of rhetoric onto the pages contained herein this Tome?

I’m not one for sharing, and I prefer to engage in things that have a purpose. So what is this? It’s pointless ranting really, little more than podium-banging. I need better motivation to be successful in my undertakings, something/someone to argue with, a basic premise to justify the efforts, not to mention the space that I am taking up on some poor sap’s SQL server.

Look at “Save Yerself,” that blog seethes with a ludicrous amount of musical knowledge when breaking apart an album. Quite the resource if you are a real music fan and not the nazi, poser, spoon-fed, mainstream, trendy, hypocritical, communists that it’s author so abhors. The Tome on the other hand, is as I said, little more than podium banging, although, I’m rather entertained by my ambiguity.

At any rate, we shall see if further communication is attempted. If I am somehow inspired to keep this up, I will. If not, well, “another day’s useless energy spent.”

“But we decide which is right…and which is an illusion.”

…end transmission…